
  1. PHD POSITION AVAILABLE: [link to ad] PhD in Climate Adaptation Science to address pressing climate-driven issues facing the Southwest, such as wildfire, managing freshwater, managing for aridification, extreme weather and climate, wildlife, and climate and environmental justice. The PhD student would pursue independent research focused on addressing such issues, likely to involve some combination of ecophysiology, field sampling of disturbed forests, dendroecology, and ecological modelling. The student would have the opportunity to develop their own research and also participate in synthesis efforts across the Southwest as part of the Southwest Climate Adaptation Center (SWCASC, https://www.swcasc.arizona.edu/about/overview).
  2. PHD POSITION AVAILABLE: [link to ad] PhD in Memory effects in forest carbon cycle to quantify memory and legacy effects in forest carbon cycling. The PhD student would quantify the magnitude and duration of climate legacies on tree growth and carbon fluxes across National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) sites in the western US. A major focus of the position is linking tree rings to flux tower records. The student would have the opportunity to participate in field sampling of tree rings, processing and measurement of tree cores, and potential visits with collaborators at NAU, UCLA, and NASA-JPL. Bayesian modelling of carbon cycle processes is a major component of the project.
  3. Seeking a Postdoctoral Researcher (2-3 years) [link to ad] to support diverse studies of the age and turnover time of tree nonstructural carbon reserves across the western US. Because there is large flexibility in the research questions to be addressed, we seek creative scholars interested in leveraging radiocarbon to understand tree responses to climate change and drought. Researchers with a background in tree ecophysiology, particularly nonstructural carbohydrate measurements or analysis, and with some previous familiarity with isotope ecology are preferred.