
Stochastic Antecedent Model of tree ring widths.

Model code used for Peltier, D. M., Barber, J. J., & Ogle, K. (2018). Quantifying antecedent climatic drivers of tree growth in the Southwestern US. Journal of Ecology106(2), 613-624.—Dendrochronologies

An incubation method to study nonstructural carbon in tree tissues. Published protocol here.

This method leverages cellular respiration of NSC to avoid difficulties and limitations associated with chemical extractions. It is also comparatively inexpensive.

Peltier, D. M., Lemoine, J., Ebert, C., Xu, X., Ogle, K., Richardson, A. D., & Carbone, M. S. (2023). An incubation method to determine the age of available nonstructural carbon in woody plant tissues. Tree Physiology, tpad015.